How do I place an order?

  • Step 1 - Ordering products
    Did you find a product? Click on the 'IN SHOPPING CART' button.
  • Step 2 - Shopping cart
    Choose the desired number of items or choose 'CONTINUE SHOPPING' to add another product to the shopping cart.
  • Step 3 - Ordering
    Is your order complete? Click in the shopping cart on the button 'CHECK OUT'.
  • Step 4 - Entering data
    To deliver your order we need your data. Enter it here and click on 'NEXT'.
  • Step 5 - Payment and delivery method
    Choose whether you want your order delivered or wanted to be collected. Then select the desired delivery or collection method of your choice. If in doubt, click the information icon behind the method.
  • Step 6 - Confirm order
    Accept the terms and conditions and click on 'CHECK OUT'. You will receive a confirmation of your order by e-mail.

At safe and reliable online shopping is of paramount importance. Do you have any questions? We are happy to help you!

What are the shipping costs?

  • With an order of less than € 50, - in the Netherlands we take the shipping costs of € 3.95 for our account. If you opt for delivered today or a later evening delivery, you will pay € 3.95 (extra) shipping contribution. Abroad the shipping costs can be higher, regardless of the order amount. The shipping costs for abroad are:
    • Belgium - € 3.95
    • Germany - € 6.95
    • Luxembourg - € 9.95
    • France - € 12.95
    • Spain - € 17.95

What delivery options are there?

  • Order delivery duration:
    • We will deliver your order 3 to 7 working days a week also on Saturday.
  • Not at home with delivery:
    • If you are not at home NO PROBLEM, you can have your shipment delivered to your neighbors or at the Post Office on a different day or time.
  • Choose a later evening delivery :
    • Would you prefer to have your package in the evening? For a small (extra) fee, your order will be delivered on an evening of your choice (except Saturday and Sunday) between 5 PM and 10 PM.

Can I follow my package?

  • Yes, that's possible. As soon as your products are packed in our warehouse you will receive a track & trace code by email. This is active at the latest the next morning.

How are products shipped?

  • The products are packaged in an environmentally friendly shipping bag or, in the case of large deliveries, in a box with our logo.

Will we also deliver on Saturday?

  • Yes, it is also delivered on Saturday. However, this does not apply to evening delivery; this is only possible from Monday to Friday. Abroad is not delivered on Saturdays.

What happens if I am not at home during delivery?

  • When you are not at home when your package is delivered, the deliverer will in many cases try to offer your package to your neighbors. If this is not possible, a delivery attempt will take place on another day. Then the package goes to a PostNL pick-up location. You will receive a message about this.
  • Are you sure you are not at home at a possible moment of delivery? Then choose in the ordering process for a later delivery day or for evening delivery.

Which pick-up options are there?

  • You can also pick up your package instead of having it delivered. You can do this at one of the 2600 PostNL collection points.

My product contains a (production) error, how can I return it?

  • You can return your products within 30 days of receipt. This is free at all times. The moment you have indicated that you wish to return your purchase, you have 14 days to return the product. Send the package directly to the answer number below on the original box. If you choose a different carrier, then the shipping costs are at your own expense.
  • The items to be returned must be reasonably well kept in a perfect condition, not used or washed, in their original packaging which should be as new. When sending via the post office we always recommend to keep the barcode / shipping proof of your package. You can follow the status of the package with this code and see when the package has been delivered to us. When the return shipment is received by us, we process it within 7 working days.
  • Amounts that may be refunded by us, including any (standard) shipping costs of the forwarding if it concerns the entire order, will be sent to you by e-mail. These amounts will be refunded to your account within 1 to 3 business days after processing.
  • If you have paid by credit card, we will inform the credit card company immediately after processing your return that you have to receive a refund. They ensure that within 14 days the amount, including any (standard) shipping costs of the forwarding if it concerns the entire order, is on your credit card again.
  • If you return only part of the order, the shipping costs of the forwarding will not be reimbursed.
  • The legal guarantee applies to your purchase. This means that you can reasonably evaluate whether the product is satisfactory. You may remove products from the packaging and are liable for the value reduction of the goods resulting from the use that goes beyond what is necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods

I have a complaint. Where can I go?

  • If you have a complaint about a product or one of our services, please contact our customer service via the e-mail address below. We will process your complaint as soon as possible and give you a substantive response within a maximum of 14 days.
If you have a question which is not answered here, please feel free to call or write us at:
PHONE +31 63 9799592      +31 63 8748494          EMAIL